Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Going on an adventure.

Well if you know me from twitter or can put 2 and 2 together. The nature of the next few entries will be fairly obvious.

But first. Welcome back. It's been a mighty long time since the last post on here. A little over 18 months to be exact. In the wargaming realms of my mind. Not much has happened in that time. In fact, in all honesty. Nothing of note.

But you know how these things go. One day your sat chilling on the sofa, minding your own business when suddenly you hear 'Oh they look cool'. It's the voice of your better half who has just spied a post on the FB GW army painters page. It is of a Riders of Rohan Lotr army. A conversation takes place, many mumblings about the game and the next thing you know your waiting on delivery of the newest version 'Battle of Pellanor fields' and wondering whats going on after avoiding the game for 15 years.

You see, i avoided all versions of the Lord of the rings and Hobbit wargames after i left Games Workshop way back in 2003. Building a 8ft helms deep from scratch out of citadel fortress kits, building and painting in excess of 200 uruk hai and countless rohan and elves, all too its toll. Then there were the demo games and of course that damned magazine that wh smiths sold with Lotr figures. The one that cursed us with 1000's of kids who all bought the metal treebeard and then came back into gw because.....little timmy couldn't build it. Nor could the staff, not with 10,000 pins could it be done, it is folly. (see what i did there).

But skip to the present. A distinct lack of hobby or gaming or anything and i figured. Give it a go, whats the worst that could happen.

Fool of a took.

This happened.

A day of clipping, sniping, scraping, gluing and maybe a few swear words and everything was assembled and based. Not bad going by my reckoning.

That was last week.A hobby resupply and a mad dash to Norwich yielded the army book, some brushes for Carol and all the missing paints. In that time another parcel arrived. All 6 extended editions of Lotr and the hobbit, because...well why not.

Sunday Carol pipes up about our lack of a proper gaming table since rearranging the house. A few ideas are batted about and then she discovers the folding table from Urbanmatz. A lot of pondering is done and by midnight Sunday, one is ordered along with a grass/snow double sided mat to lay on it.A review will of course be forthcoming once it has arrived.

Yesterday comes and the plan for a week off hobbying begins. The hobbit an unexpected journey is loaded and ready for viewing, paint stations are loaded and prepared and then the words you don't expect to hear. 'You got the wrong paint and i am missing one'. Agrax earth shade gloss instead of Nuln oil gloss and a missing Rhinox hide.
No adventure yet then. Back to Norwich, paints and more stuff bought, a burger king meal enjoyed and a rather shattered pair sag bag onto the sofa.

Models painted 0 but An unexpected journey taken and watched.

So that brings us neatly to today.
Desolation of smaug watched.
Battle of five armies watched. I want elves, no i want iron hill dwarves, no i want elves, no dwarves...arggh my mind.
Now playing. Fellowship of the ring.

Model progress.
36 Morannon orcs have been base coated with metals, inked and drybrushed. I want a fairly rough beaten look to their armour. Even though they wont be my chosen force, i still want then to look half decent when playing.

So that's got things up to date.
Tomorrows plan. Watch the two towers and Return of the king. Layer the browns and reds on the orcs.
Over the rest of the week i hope to progress along with the models, probably re-watch the films again, begin the process of learning to play the game and then there is Saturday.

A 15 year wait will be over and a life time wait for Carol with our own version of  'a slightly more expected journey' to Nottingham and the shrine that is Warhammer World. I fully intend to return with Dain of the Iron hill dwarves!. But you never know. It might be an elf by the time i part with my cash. It's just the way my mind works.

What of the Rohan i hear you cry. Well send riders to https://lairofthegamesmistress.wordpress.com/ where you can see Carols progress on the rohan. She is new to blogging and has also returned to Twitter @gamesmistress21

So that's it for now. Like a well known Ranger of north i have returned, but the only dead i bring are braincells.

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